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Assembly Source File
306 lines
;Listing 3 Scheduling Algorithm (Assembly Subroutines)
;(C) Copyright 1986 Ken Berry.
;All rights reserved.
;Copies may be made for non-commercial, private use only.
include tele.mac ; system definitions (listing 2)
extrn t_astrm:byte ; application task termination flag
extrn t_rtmark:near ; update pseudo time accumulator
extrn t__krnl:near ; security kernel
public sys_task ; current task pointer
public sys_tsch ; task scheduling table pointer
public sys_ilck ; system task interlock
public sys_asbs ; application stack base
public sys_dgrp ; data segment storage
public sys_ssbs ; system stack base
public sys_sssz ; system stack size
public sys_sstp ; system stack top
public sys_stat ; original register block
public t_mnxtm ; minimum execution time
public t_rels ; release
public t_spnd ; suspend
public t_syxtm ; system pseudo time accumulator
public t_term ; reschedule
public t_wait ; wait
public t_wqupd ; wait queue update task pointer
public t__crtss ; current task ss storage
public t__crtsp ; current task sp storage
public t__dspap ; dispatch application
public t__dspsy ; dispatch system
public t__sstk ; establish system stack
public t__syntr ; enter system state
public t__syxit ; exit system state
MINXTM equ 500 ; minimum execution time
STKLN equ 1024 ; system stack size
tmrdx dw 0 ; dx storage
spdss dw 0 ; ss storage
spdsp dw 0 ; sp storage
t__crtss dw 0 ; current task ss storage
t__crtsp dw 0 ; current task sp storage
sys_stat db type sys_parm dup (0) ; original register block
sys_dgrp dw 0 ; data segment storage
sys_task dw 0 ; current task pointer
sys_tsch dw 0 ; task scheduling table pointer
sys_asbs dw 0 ; application stack base
sys_ssbs dw stkbs ; system stack base
sys_sssz dw STKLN ; system stack length
sys_sstp dw STKLN ; system stack top
sys_ilck db 0FFh ; system task interlock
t_wqupd dw 0 ; wait queue update task pointer
t_syxtm dw 3 dup (0) ; system pseudo time accumulator
t_mnxtm dw MINXTM ; minimum execution time
stkbs db STKLN dup (0) ; system stack
db type t_task dup (0) ; main task control table
comment ~
selector ss;
unsigned sp;
ss and sp are placed in the stack registers. Then the other registers are
restored from the new stack. Control passes to the restored task. The return
address is left at the top of the system stack. Therefore the restored task
may use the system stack to return to the caller of t__dspap. ax may contain a
return code in this case.
t__dspap proc near
push bp ; protect bp
mov bp,sp ; establish parameter addressability
mov ax,[bp].t_np0 ; set application stack
mov bx,[bp].t_np1
mov sys_sstp,sp ; store current top of system stack
mov ss,ax
mov sp,bx
mov bp,sp ; enable interrupts
or [bp].t_xpf,0200h
pop sys_asbs
sys__rctx ; restore context
cli ; interrupts off
mov byte ptr sys_ilck,0 ; exit system state
mov byte ptr t_astrm,0 ; initialize application interval
pop ds ; restore ds
iret ; execute task
t__dspap endp
comment ~
t_term() _F
t_spnd(tp) tp
t_wait(tp) tp
unsigned tp;
t_rels() _E
All of these functions are similar. The processor registers are stored on
the stack, which is then adjusted to match the pattern for interrupt
returns. Finally the system stack is established. The functions differ in
the code returned to the caller of function t__dspap. t__dspap restores
the registers and returns control to the caller of these functions. The
returned value is shown with the appropriate call above. tp is only used
with t_spnd and t_wait. It is the number of system ticks to wait before
executing the task again. t_wait functions like t_spnd, except that t_rels
is invoked immediately. ~
t_term proc near
call t__trmap ; protect registers
xor ax,ax ; return _F
t_term endp
t_spnd proc near
mov spdss,ss ; store stack pointers
mov spdsp,sp
call t__trmap ; protect registers
mov es,spdss ; return tick count
mov si,spdsp
mov ax,word ptr es:[si+2]
push ds ; set es = ds
pop es
ret ; return
t_spnd endp
t_wait proc near
push bp ; protect bp
mov bp,sp ; establish stack addressability
mov ax,[bp].t_np0 ; suspend task
push ax
call t_spnd
mov sp,bp ; unload stack
pop bp ; restore bp
t_rels proc near
call t__trmap ; protect registers
xor ax,ax ; return _E
dec ax
t_rels endp
t_wait endp
comment ~
A call to function t__trmap is made so that after the registers are stored in
the application stack (and the system stack is made current), control passes
to function t__krnl, the system security kernel. Control will return from
t__dspsy when the calling task is resumed. Nothing is returned.
t__dspsy proc near
mov ax,offset pgroup:t__krnl ; branch to system
push ax
sub sys_sstp,2 ; adjust system stack (for "pop bp" in t__sstk)
comment ~
The machine registers are stored on the application stack. Then the system
stack is made current. The return address from the call to t__trmap is put on
the system stack before returning to it. Nothing is returned.
t__trmap proc near
mov byte ptr sys_ilck,0FFh ; force system state
mov tmrdx,dx ; save dx
pop dx ; set return address (from t__trmap)
push cs ; protect cs
pushf ; protect flags
push ds ; protect ds
push ax ; protect ax
push bx ; protect bx
push cx ; protect cx
push tmrdx ; protect dx
push si ; protect si
push di ; protect di
push bp ; protect bp
push es ; protect es
push dx ; restore return address to stack
mov bp,sp ; establish stack addressability
mov ax,[bp].t_xip ; adjust stack for interrupt return
xchg ax,[bp].t_xpf
mov [bp].t_xip,ax
comment ~
The current application stack pointers are stored. Then the system stack is
established as the current stack. The return address from the call is placed
on the system stack before returning into it. Nothing is returned.
t__sstk proc near
pop dx ; unload return address
push sys_asbs ; protect stack protection reference
mov bx,ss ; set application stack registers
mov cx,sp
mov ax,sys_ssbs ; set system stack
mov sys_asbs,ax
push ds
pop ss
mov sp,sys_sstp
pop bp ; restore bp
mov t__crtss,bx ; store current ss
mov t__crtsp,cx ; store current bp
push dx ; return to caller
t__sstk endp
t__trmap endp
t__dspsy endp
comment ~
char *flg;
A wait loop will be entered until the required resource is available. This is
indicated by flg containing 0x00. 0xFF is stored to prevent any other tasks
from acquiring the resource. The resource is released by resetting flg to
t_sync proc near
push bp ; protect bp
mov bp,sp ; establish stack addressability
mov bx,[bp].t_np0 ; set pointer to resource flag
sync1: mov al,0FFh ; interlock token
ilck al,<byte ptr [bx]>
or al,al ; test for token acquired
jz sync2
xor ax,ax ; wait for 1 system tick
inc ax
push ax
call t_spnd
mov sp,bp
jmp sync1 ; continue
sync2: pop bp ; restore bp
call t_rels ; release task
ret ; return
t_sync endp
comment ~
char *flg;
This function expands the sys_entr macro for use by c functions.
t__syntr proc near
push bp ; protect bp
mov bp,sp ; establish stack addressability
mov bx,[bp].t_np0 ; set flag address
sys_entr <byte ptr [bx]> ; enter system state
pop bp ; restore bp
ret ; return
t__syntr endp
comment ~
char *flg;
This function expands the sys_exit macro for use by c functions.
t__syxit proc near
push bp ; protect bp
mov bp,sp ; establish stack addressability
mov bx,[bp].t_np0 ; set flag address
sys_exit <byte ptr [bx]> ; exit system state
pop bp ; restore bp
ret ; return
t__syxit endp